The Chronic Athlete

12: Professional Ballerina Turned Entrepreneur with Susanne Puerschel

Amy Denson

On this episode of The Chronic Athlete I interview my new friend Susanne Puerschel.  Susanne is the  Founder of R.I.S.E. Media, a platform and community that is  building the bridge between Performing Arts and Business by helping Performing Artists and companies alike to tap into the power of media and the ascending web3 , generating multiple streams of income and building sustainability and financial and artistic freedom. She is also a  Wellness Entrepreneur, podcast host of the Pointe To Rise Podcast, former international ballerina, mother of three beautiful sons and experienced principal chief executive officer. Susanne had the privilege to grow up behind the iron curtain in Berlin, Germany.

After  working in cooperate America and running her own businesses, to building community among dancers and artist by providing mindset and high performance coaching , it is her mission now to put performing arts back on the front page and break through the " Starving Artist" mentality once and for all.

I am continuing to raise money for the 120 women that Anastasia Vladychynska has led out of Ukraine and helped placed them in homes throughout Europe.  For more information, tune into Episode 11 of the The Chronic Athlete to hear Anastasia's story and donate here.

Instagram: Susanne Puerschel  R.I.S.E. Media 
Instagram: Coachamyrae